In my other video I discussed some superfoods & Lions Mane for your health and brain. 
We are finding new discoveries but in fact its an old discovery already used by our ancestors for thousands of years. Superfoods has been used in many cultures and i’ve mentioned this in other videos about the immense benefits of healing foods.

A very powerful medicine are mushrooms and today i’ll be talking about the Chaga mushroom. It is in the fungi kingdom that has endless healing benefits. Sometimes called the king of all mushrooms. Very high antioxidant in Chaga which is in par or more than other superfoods. It has the highest source for Melanin which is great for skin, hair, eyes, nails, etc. And it contains very high amounts of anti-viral compounds Betulin which is one of the most important compounds to us. I was running out of chaga so depending where you live you can find it while hiking or picking it up locally if its in your area such as a farmers market or online which can be pricey.

**Identify Chaga & Where to Find it**
Generally, you’ll find Chaga on Birch trees near water such as a pond, river, or lake. I live in the U.S. and Canada so I go back and forth seeing it in those areas. I know when passing through northern Michigan and going through Ontario, Canada tons of Chaga there. In other parts of the world it will be found in Russia and Scandinavia. There are other mushrooms like Reishi, Turkey Tail, and Lions Mane mushroom which is beneficial for your health and brain. I’ve mentioned Lions Mane in another video, I’ll list it here if you haven’t seen it. When picking up Chaga it should be hard similar to hard cork.When dried it will be hard like wood. You know its gone bad or starting to rot when its gone soft.

**How to Make Chaga Coffee**
It will look burnt on the outside and as mentioned it will be on birch trees. The inside will have a yellow to orange color or kinda like a gold look. Often people use Chaga as tea or coffee. Today i’ll be making some coffee and its simple and quick.

a)1st break off the Chaga into pieces. Here my wife is using a knife or also some type of sharp hammer with a point at the end. Add about 1-2 tablespoons of Chaga with your coffee depending on your preference you can add less or more.
b)2nd, you’ll have to grind it. If you doing it manually you’ll be grating it which can take much longer. Today I’m using a grinder.
c)Next put all the contents into your coffee pot and add the hot water. Boil the coffee and then let it sit another 10 mins before having it.

Thats it and you’ll be ready to enjoy your coffee!!

Always research on your own whether that is reading books or learning in a class if thats an option. Always look at various sources of information so you can compare and make a sound decision. If you plan to look for Chaga in your area while hiking you should identify the poisonous plants you have in your location. Take many photos and samples. Bring it to a garden facility or somewhere that can test to confirm what it is. It will definitely be reassuring since mushrooms can also be deadly if you’re wrong. I suggest learning those things first before you begin looking for foods that you believe are edible.

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