5 Interesting Benefits with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a long history and its very popular as a home remedy. It is used to treat everything from a sore throat to varicose veins. But there’s not much science to support the claims. However, in recent years researchers have been taking a closer look at apple cider vinegar and the endless benefits it has to offer.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

It’s mostly apple juice, but adding yeast turns the fruit sugar into alcohol — this is fermentation. Bacteria turn the alcohol into acetic acid. That’s what gives vinegar its sour taste and strong smell.

Vinegar’s used in cooking, baking, salad dressings, and as a preservative. There’s a lot of acid in it, so drinking vinegar straight isn’t recommended. And it can cause serious problems if you have a lot of it. If you’re looking to take some for health reasons, most people recommend adding one to two tablespoons to water or tea.

Some Interesting Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar has been used as a remedy since the days of Hippocrates. Today, we have many people that have apple cider vinegar in their kitchen due to its benefits, its inexpensive, and its many uses with cooking and health benefits.

  1. It Gets Rid of Dandruff

Apple cider vinegar benefits the skin as well as the body. Publicized on Dr. Mehmet Oz website he recommends apple cider vinegar as a dandruff treatment. The acidity of apple cider vinegar changes the pH of your scalp, making it harder for yeast to grow. Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup water in a spray bottle, and spritz on your scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and let sit for 15 minutes to an hour, then wash your hair as usual. Do this 2x a week for best results.

2. Clears Acne

Apple cider vinegar makes a great natural toner that can act as a natural home remedy for acne and leave skin looking healthier. Its antibacterial properties help keep acne under control, and the malic and lactic acids found in apple cider vinegar soften and exfoliate skin, reduce red spots, and balance the pH of your skin.

3. Banishes bad breath

If proper brushing and mouthwash doesn’t do the trick, try the home remedy of using apple cider vinegar to control bad breath. Gargle with it, or drink a teaspoon (diluted with water if you prefer) to kill odor-causing bacteria. Watch our video on How to Fix Bad Breath Instantly and we also give away a nice home remedy tip that works!

4. Whitens Teeth

Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. Brush as usual after you gargle. You can also brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to help remove stains and whiten your teeth; use it just as you would toothpaste. You can also use salt as an alternative toothpaste. If your gums start to feel raw, switch to brushing with salt every other day. Also, check out our video on How to Remove Plaque or Tartar from your Teeth.

5. It Cuts Down on Nighttime Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can often be a sign that you’re low in potassium. Since one of the many apple cider vinegar benefits is that it’s high in potassium, one home remedy suggests mixing 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon honey to a glass of warm water and drink to relieve nighttime leg cramps. Of course, by the time you walk to the kitchen to put the drink together, your cramp is likely to be history—but maybe that’s the point.

So, apple cider vinegar seems to be good to have around your kitchen! Enjoy it in your diet because it’s calorie-free, adds lots of flavor to food, and it has many health benefits. But, remember it is not a miracle cure.


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