5 Common Causes for Back Pain

Back pain is a very common problem around the world.  At one time, most of us have experienced this dreadful and sore pain.  More people miss work from back pain than any other ailment. Almost everyone experiences back pain from time to time and many may not realize they may have a chronic issue.

Fortunately, a few simple measures can prevent or reduce most occurrences of back pain. Home remedies as well as proper body alignment and movements usually heal the pain within a matter of weeks. Surgery is rarely necessary for back pain with proper rehabilitation and/or proactive measures are taken before issues get worse.

It has been a very strange feeling being on the other side of things since people have come to me for my expertise on health, conditioning, and rehabilitation with physical injuries.  I come from a health and wellness background with over 20 years experience.  However, the past 6 years of my life has changed from being a coach and trainer to clients and then becoming a client to other professionals during my injury.  I’ve gone through a major car accident.  It was a head on highway collision and the other vehicle came into my lane.  About 10 minutes later, I was able to get out of the totaled truck and stand to the side of the road with the assistance of other people that helped me get out of the vehicle.  Unfortunately, a few minutes later as I stood on the side of the highway I then got hit from another vehicle as a pedestrian.  I was struck by the car and tossed in the air as people witnessed this incident and was unconscious for a few hrs.  To make a long story short I am almost pain free after 5 years of trial and error and rehabilitation.  Sometimes, the cause of back pain is vague. I came across top Physicians in their field and most of them werent helpful as they were more concerned with milking the patient who had insurance coverage.  Of course there were the few exceptions that were great and I learned a lot from them.  Physicians may order imaging studies to identify the cause. Several health conditions are associated with back pain. Muscle strains, herniated disks, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and skeletal abnormalities are five common back pain causes.


Strained back muscles top the list of most common back pain causes. Heavy lifting, sudden motions and awkward movements can strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine. For people who are not fit and healthy, constant strains can produce annoying, painful muscle spasms.

In some cases, a back support or brace is extremely helpful to prevent further injuries or muscle pull until you fully recover or start rehabilitation.  Afterwards, you can begin some type of recovery process which includes rest period, stretching, flexibility, and finally strengthening that area.  These steps are important so you dont strain or re-injure yourself in the future or for it to become a chronic issue which I’ll explain in-depth on a future post with my video tutuorials.

Herniated disks, also known as bulging or ruptured disks, are among the most common back pain causes. Spinal disks serve as cushions between the vertebrae or bones of the spine. Occasionally, the soft gel-like material inside a disk may rupture and press on a spinal nerve. This pressure can lead to back pain.

I’ve know quite a few people who have used herniated disc exercises to cure their back pain.  A bulging disc or herniated disc can cause back pain. I’ll be posting a upcoming video on how to use herniated disc exercises using massage therapy and a roller to cure back pain.  There are some that have used a wooden roller as well.  If you learn how to heal a bulging disc, no doubt you’ll feel better with less inflammation. Take the time to learn how to heal a slipped disc without a herniated disc surgery. Herniated disc exercises are not necessarily easy but they are a more natural alternative to surgery. If you have insurance, you may opt for herniated disc surgery but I would try to do herniated disc exercises just to see if they might work for you. It’s a lot less expensive and less back pain for sure in the long run! Herniated disc pain can cause stress on you and your wallet. Learn as many herniated disc exercises as possible to that you can be as versatile as you can be in your healing process.

Massage for herniated discs is a complementary therapy option used by many patients as part of a combined care program for neck or back pain. Massage is one of the oldest known health practices.  However, herniated discs that exist deeply in the spinal anatomy, it is logical that bodywork will do nothing to actually cure any disc pathology.  There are various styles for herniated discs ranging from muscular injuries and soft tissue pain syndromes. It is also a relaxing and therapeutic experience which helps you connect with the therapist and use their energy to enact a positive healing response.   Despite all the wonderful characteristics of massage therapy, by all means it can not  treat a herniated disc.  It will not resolve disc conditions, nor will it provide relief of neurological symptoms sometimes associated with herniated and degenerated discs.  But massage can assist in relieving some pain simply due to the relaxing effects of the experience. Patients who truly suffer from a deep spinal condition, such as structural herniated disc pain, are unlikely to notice considerable relief from even the best massage.  Im a strong advocate of massage therapy and it is a great part of a health maintenance program. Massage is a fantastic treat for your body and your soul, but is not the best bet as a herniated disc treatment.  Here is a handy product I’ve used at home or on the go when I do need to massage or loosen some tight areas of my body.

Massage can be very helpful for patients who have a misdiagnosed disc pain syndrome and are actually suffering from ischemia of the affected spinal region or a chronic muscular pain syndrome.  Regardless of your diagnosis, or the logic of using massage to treat it, one thing is for sure: If massage helps you, no matter how or why, then use it! There are no risks. Compared to other forms of pain management, massage is definitely one of the most positive for your overall health and wellness, making it a natural winner.

So, is it possible to heal a bulging disc? Yes.  Can you heal a herniated disc that has been a chronic trouble? I think so and this is a grey shaded area since every individual varies on their injuries or severity of their herniated disc or positioning of their injury. If you think you would like to try these bulging disc exercises then I definitely encourage you to try them out. Bulging disc lower back troubles will often be healed with persistence. It certainly couldn’t hurt to do these herniated disc exercises especially since the back pain of bulging disc surgery is so extreme!  Good luck and to a happy healing journey.


Arthritis is a common medical condition that affects the joints. Osteoarthritis the most common type of arthritis, generally affects the lower back. For some people, arthritis in the spine causes the space around the spinal cord to narrow. This cause of back pain, called spinal stenosis, is usually related to aging.  The best therapy is a lifetime commitment and something that isnt short term.  Its similar to a car and taking care of your own body as you would for your vehicle by keeping up with the oil changes, maintenance, etc.  I can confidently say you can take full control of your Osteoarthritis and reduce most of the pain or fully recover from it by doing the following.  It can be controlled in a healthy manner with exercises, stretching, diet, and along with some helpful therapy equipment.

Most of the time I may be resting or trying to sit upright at my office desk checking my emails on my computer. It was very difficult and I needed to make my experience much better than it currently was.  On a daily basis I was using this device that will attach to your chair and I can honestly say it made a huge difference in pain relief and improving my posture or helping me correct those posture deviations I incurred from my car accident.

We often overlook our rest periods and most of us understand that our recovery process is important when it comes to resting and sleeping.  If you cant effectively sleep well then you will not recover.  I found this item very helpful with my road to recovery.  I found this extremely helpful if you already have back pain while sleeping.

  • KNEE PILLOW: Best ergonomic memory foam knee pillow for sleeping. Conforms to your legs instantly and helps promote spinal alignment
  • PERFECT SUPPORT: Provides firm support, soft comfort, and retains its shape. Competitors cushions don’t provide near the support as ours
  • INSTANT RELEIF: Relieves back, hip, knee, and ankle pain when used the proper way. Simply place between your thighs or below your knees to help with your specific pain

When it comes to dieting I made sure I included this in my regimen.







This was very helpful when it came down to body maintenance to help relieve the pain or any discomfort.








The inversion table is great to really stretch your back.  Back pain is often due to compressed nerves. When the discs in your spine get scrunched together, twisted etc, it can pinch one of the many nerves running through your back. An inversion table therapy works by essentially stretching your back our and helping the discs to revert to their proper position. Inversion therapy has many other purported benefits besides relieving back pain. It can also increase both cardiovascular in lymphatic circulation, increases blood flow to the brain and can increase your flexibility.The only reported side effect from using an inversion table is injury due to going to too extreme of an angle too soon, or for too long. So be sure and read all the instructions before using it for the first time. It is also not recommended for those with heart problems, pregnant, or with other health issues. Therefore, do not self medicate.

Definitely, be sure and check with your doctor before engaging in inversion therapy – and if you’re interested in using it to relieve back pain, have your doctor run some tests to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort to make sure that inversion therapy would be effective and not cause further damage.

Osteoporosis is another common cause of back pain. This condition causes bones to become weak, porous and brittle. Brittle bones can result in compression fractures along the spine, which leads to back pain. For those with osteoporosis, even coughing and bending can cause a fracture and produce pain. X-rays can determine your bone density.  Treatments for osteoporosis, in addition to prescription osteoporosis medications, include stopping use of alcohol and cigarettes, and assuring adequate exercise, calcium, and vitamin D.

Here are some basic exercises for beginners focusing on your spine and strengthening your posture.


Once these exercises begin to be easy for an individual then this is when we add or increase the weight for resistance.  You can also adjust your sets and repetitions as you improve.  These are very helpful in purchasing ankle weights and dumbells.  This dumbell set is very useful as you begin to progress and you can easily grab whatever dumbell weights you need from the dumbee rack/tree.




For those still having difficulty performing exercises on the floor.  There is a product out there that assist you by sitting in a chair that can strength you back muscles and spine.  You posture will improve dramatically after using this product after awhile on a consistent basis.







Skeletal abnormalities are among the top back pain causes. Spinal curvatures and other skeletal irregularities can cause pain for some people. Scoliosis, a condition that curves the spine to the side, typically leads to back pain only in severe cases.

Deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and joint stretching techniques for scoliosis. Helpful tools needed will be an exercise ball and foam roller to really stretch back those areas back to place.  There will be demos treatment for a structural scoliosis that I’ll be providing. There is a functional component to almost every structural scoliosis but these mobile segments must be properly treated with massage and corrective exercise therapy.


While some back pain causes are related to aging, the pain can affect anyone at any age. Even children and teenagers are at risk. Physical fitness, weight management and proper lifting help reduce the risk. Psychological health seems to play a role too, as back pain is sometimes linked to depression and anxiety.


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